Hunter eyes
Get all other trophies.
Pretty sharp!
Get a score of 50,000.
I'm getting good!
Get a score of 200,000.
I'm awesome!
Get a score of 500,000.
Please show me!
Use a hint for the first time.
Help me see!
Use hints 5 times.
I need your eyes!
Use hints 10 times.
Need some help?
Receive a hint for the first time.
I will try again.
Complete one game session.
I got dust in my eyes.
Complete 10 game sessions.
One down!
Find the differences in one photo.
I can spot differences!
Find the differences in 5 photos on a streak.
Nothing escapes me!
Find the differences in 10 photos on a streak.
So easy!
Find the differences in 25 photos on a streak.
I can do this all day!
Find the differences in 50 photos on a streak.
Come to my gallery!
Unlock 100 photos in gallery.
So many photos!
Unlock 200 photos in gallery.
I have seen the world!
Unlock 300 photos in gallery.