Amazing Superhero Squad Platinum
Good job! Completed all tasks!
Finish all the events of the plot
One-day hero
Successfully accomplish all the events of the day
Depressive super
Successfully accomplish the events aimed at getting the super out of depression
Hire a detective
New character!
Hire a new super
Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist
Accumulate more than 80,000 credits at the end of the day
Shortage of staff
Distribute all supers to events
The best partner!
Send compatible characters to the event
Not a match
Send non-compatible characters to the event
Open 1 exotic solution
Squeezed lemon
Successfully complete the first week plot
Corporate rats
Successfully complete the second week plot
Tom Stiller
Successfully complete the third week plot
Stupid death
Lose a superhero at an event
The Rat King
Fail rat invasion mission
Ignore 10 events
Staff turnover
Hire 5 sups
You are fired!
Fire the super
Problem solved!
Solve the super's problem