Lovely Clubmates
Find everything there is to find about your swim club friends.
Blue and White Stripes
Run into Mieko for the first time
The two Terrors
Meet the two... terrors?
No Shelter in the Storm
What a force of nature
Glide through the Water
Watch and learn from Mieko
Uplifting Splash
Listen to Hiromi's encouraging words
Captivating Game
Watch Hiromi being ensnared by cables
Even more Stripes
Run into Mieko for another accident
Comfortable Learning Environment
Let Mieko get comfortable around you
Found it!
Find the bathroom
Getting used to it
Get into a comfortable learning environment
Let Hiromi dry off a bit
Competition of Love
Get forced into a decision
New Swimsuit
Let Hiromi show you her new swimsuit
Fox in a Swimsuit
Let Mieko show you her new swimsuit
Bunny Hiromi
Get suprised by Hiromi
Settled Competition
Experience their closeness
Perfect Dive
Watch the competition fall back
Secret Santa?
Merry Christmas
Wrapped Present
Receive your present