Unlock all other trophies.
Find Inventions
Recover lost Tesla Backpack
Baby Steps
Complete Tutorial
Deep One, Two, Three
123 deep ones must die
War Pigeon
Recover and Operate the Mech
Dag-On, Dag-Off
Kill 200 Spawns of Dagon
Kill it with Fire!
Kill 50 Parasites
Kill 500 Fire Vampires
Kill 50 Polyps
Shoggoth Schmoggoth
Kill 50 Shoggoths
Down came the rain...
Kill 1000 Spiderghouls
That's no squid
Repel 100 Tentacles
First Showdown
Complete Chapter 1
Second Showdown
Complete Chapter 2
Third Showdown
Complete Chapter 3
Wardenclyffe Victory
Activate the Wardenclyffe and save the world.
Wardenclyffe Victory II
Activate the Wardenclyffe and save the world in Aether Plane.
Wardenclyffe Victory III
Activate the Wardenclyffe and save the world in Eldritch Plane.
Meta Upgrade
Purchase a meta upgrade
Crystal Rain
Collect 100 crystals
Epic Awesome
Choose an EPIC perk