Unlock all the trophies.
A gathering of beasts
Scene 1 complete.
“Are you scared now? You should be.”
Scene 5 complete.
World of Darkness
“SAD base” scene began.
Complete Vampire the Masquerade: Swansong.
Increase a Discipline or Skill to level 3.
Increase a Skill to the maximum level.
Increase a Discipline to the maximum level.
Road of the Beast
Start and win a confrontation while you’re hungry.
’Proper’ vampires frown on this
Feed from a rat.
Polite conversation
Win a confrontation without using a Discipline.
You are what you eat
Get one resonance with each character.
“Meet me there”
Find all the Safe Zones.
Galeb didn’t kill anyone while exfiltrating Moore from his apartment.
Mom of the Year
Leysha was able to reassure Halsey throughout her entire mission at the Loft.
How could I forget?
Emem found the memories she lost at the Chantry.
No survivors
Galeb eliminated all the high-ranking members of the Society of St. Leopold.
Precision job
Galeb found the right implant on Long Island on his first try.
The right dose
Leysha freed the uncooperative vessel at the Red Salon.
Black Rattlers
Emem left the Anarch camp with Cerys, Rafa, and Saule.
The enemy of my enemy
Galeb freed the werewolf in the SAD base.
A hard pill to swallow
Leysha succumbed to her rage and destroyed Richard Dunham.
I never want to see you again
Leysha spared Richard Dunham after hearing the truth.
Don’t pet the dog
Leysha escaped from the werewolf at the SAD base.
For the dead travel fast
Leysha managed to get to Halsey in time to save her.
Emem found all the clues about the informant at the SAD base.
Face the music
After freeing Kurt from his prison in the Chantry, Emem defeated Kurt at the SAD base.
Eat the liches
Emem left the Camarilla.
Emem joined the Primogen.
“You’ve gone too far”
Emem defeated Hilda and stopped the British invasion.
My flesh and blood
Leysha escaped from the SAD base with Halsey.
Despair has its own calms
Leysha is locked up in the Vatican, unable to forget Halsey’s destruction.
From one prison to another
Leysha was unable to escape and is locked up in the SAD base.
Eternal Protector
Galeb reported back to the Prince and returned to his place in the Camarilla.
“My time has come”
Galeb left the Camarilla to heed the Beckoning.
“Let us show them the power of immortality”
Emem, Leysha, and Galeb survived the attack on Boston.
“We will never forget them”
Emem, Leysha, and Galeb were all destroyed in the attack on Boston.