Beep! Beep! Deliveries
Your family are proud of you :)
Papa Noodle's mushrooms
We fear the sunlight!
Fly away!
Shoo! Fly!
Farce Majeure
Smash that furry face!
Round 'em up!
The Sheriff needs help with the Sour Grape Gang.
Lost Suitcases
We can't go home without them!
Cocount Icecream
Sweet Alphonse has a special recipe.
Lost kittens
Ghostly cats need a home too.
Uncle Bub's things
Just a few odds and ends. No reason.
I’ve lost my balloon :(
It's the only one I got.
Get Jeff home!
His friends are missing him.
Explorer badge
All islands unlocked!
The full range
Every vehicle unlocked!
When I was a lad #1
I once rode 300m without dropping everything!
When I was a lad #2
I once delivered 4 things in one run!
When I was a lad #3
I once ran a marathon!
When I was a lad #4
I had 21 customers!
When I was a lad #5
I hit all 10 speed signs on Dawn!
A golden gift.
The Greedy King expects a very golden gift!
When I was a lad #6
I made 100 delivieries in 10 days!