Made Whole
Obtain every trophy in the game
Remember what your mother taught you
Apprentice Severer
Sever 10 enemies
Feel the Power
Fully upgrade one skill tree
Your Strength is My Strength
Devour every buff at least once
The Path Unseen
Breach a Secret Blind Barrier
Eating Through
Breach a Secret Devour Barrier
Filet Minions
Sever 4 enemies in one encounter
Adept Severer
Sever 50 enemies
Heart-Shaped Snack
Complete a Health Upgrade
Brain Buffet
Complete a Mana Upgrade
Surgical Searching
Explore every area to 100% completion
Find every secret
Brother Rememberance
Find your Brother's memento
Father Rememberance
Find your Father's memento
Mother Rememberance
Find your Mother's memento
One Hand Tied Behind Your Back
Take no damage in a 4 enemy fight
Confront the Stray Arm
Make peace with the Wanderer
Master Severer
Sever 100 enemies
Fully upgrade all of your skills and equipment
Mass Murder
Defeat the Crow Golem
Glutton for Punishment
Defeat the Cryptolith
Face to Faces
Defeat the Dragon
Completed Memories
Finish the game after finding all mementos