I'm Proud of You, Cowboy!
Unlock all trophies in Disney•Pixar Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
Buzz Lightyear, Part-Time Shepherd
Help find and return Bo-Peep's sheep.
Fastest Space Ranger in Town
Win the garage race against R.C. Car.
Cardboard Arena Champion
Defeat the Tin Robot.
Earned a month ago
A Good Soldier Never Leaves a Man Behind!
Help find and return Sarge's troops.
This Isn't Fair!
Win the neighborhood race against R.C. Car without the Rocket Jet Boots.
Let's Go Down a Kite
Defeat the Zurg Kite.
Bi-Plane Crazy
Defeat the neighborhood boss.
Oh, Great, You Found Them!
Help find and return the Foreman's little Tikes.
Exploring That Creative Spark
Create three batches of paint.
Get Jackhammered
Defeat the Jackhammer.
One Toy's Trash Is Buzz's Treasure
Ride a balloon onto a trash can.
Spin to Win
Defeat Clown Top with only spin attacks.
Back Alley Clean Up
Defeat the horrible gooey monster of the alley.
A Prize Unfiled
Find a prize on top of the filing cabinets.
Rooster's Run
Win Rooster's second race.
Attentive Space Ace
Defeat the Dinosaur without stepping in the green goo.
You Have Saved our Lives! We are Eternally Grateful!
Help find and return the Mothership's aliens.
Full Throttle
Win a race against a flying saucer.
Well, That Should Hold You till the Court Martial!
Defeat the Buzz Lightyear Buggy.
I Knew There Was Something I Didn't Like about that Chicken!
Defeat the way-out space toy in the Toy Barn.
Wired and Ready
Solve the elevator wire puzzle.
The Great Air Duct Race
Win a token race in the air ducts.
I Choose Buzz Lightyear!
Defeat the Spider Gunro.
Well Aren't You Just the Sweetest Space Toy I Ever Did Meet!
Help find and return Jessie's critters.
Ride Like the Wind, Bullseye!
Accept and complete Bullseye's challenge.
Reach for the Sky!
Defeat the Gunslinger with only a charged laser.
So, We Meet Again, Buzz Lightyear, for the Last Time!
Defeat the Evil Emperor Zurg.
Plane Scavenger
Discover a prize hidden on top of the broken plane.
Weighted Success
Accept and win Rocky Gibraltar's challenge.
Prospective Winner
Defeat the Prospector.
Heli Helper
Solve the puzzle to make the helicopter land.
Forge Ahead
Defeat the Blacksmith.
Well, Stinky Pete, I Think It's Time You Learned the True Meaning of Playtime!
Defeat the final boss in the Prospector Showdown.
Guaranteed to Stick
Take a relaxing dip in some cement.
How Ribbiting
Jump on all the alley lily pads.
This Game Is Rigged
Fail to grab the token in the claw machine three times.
You're a Better Buzz than I Am!
Speak with Rex in every level he appears in.
To Infinity, and Beyond!
Hold 9 lives at any time.