United States
The Shark T
You have collected The Shark T – Unlock all trophies
Earned 2 years ago
Not all sharks live in the ocean
Eat 9500 fish
Female sharks generally dwarf male sharks
Eat 9000 fish
Hammerheads also have 360-degree vision
Eat 8500 fish
Sharks have a sixth sense
Eat 8000 fish
Most sharks are cold-blooded
Eat 7500 fish
They can vary dramatically in size
Eat 7000 fish
Sharks are apex predators
Eat 6500 fish
There are over 500 spiecies of shark
Eat 6000 fish
Different shark species reproduce in different ways
Eat 5500 fish
Not all sharks have the same teeth
Eat 5000 fish
Each whale shark’s spot pattern is unique as a fingerprint
Eat 4500 fish
Blue sharks are really blue
Eat 4000 fish
Scientists age sharks by counting the rings on their vertebrae
Eat 3500 fish
Sharks have been around a very long time
Eat 3000 fish
Sharks can go into a trance
Eat 2500 fish
Shark skin feels similar to sandpaper
Eat 2000 fish
Sharks have special electroreceptor organs
Eat 1500 fish
Most sharks have good eyesight
Eat 1000 fish
Sharks do not have bones
Eat 500 fish
Here comes the fish!
Eat your first fish