United States
Unforgettable journey
Unlock all trophies
Earned 2 years ago
Pull it out!
Succubus ending
I was born to rule!
Nimrod ending
Good and Evil
Good and Evil (Unlock Evil and Angel ending)
Your soul is mine!
Baphomet ending
Lara would be proud!
Find all secret rooms
She looks good in red
Find 2 red chambers
The richest man in hell
Find 4 gold chambers
I have a beautiful soul!
Max out every skill
You look just like your father
Unlock all letters and notes
The great painter
Unlock all paintings
What have I done?
Unlock all comic pages
Let me see you
Unlock all characters in 3D viewer
I found a job!
Unlock madman ending
I am enlightened
Unlock everything in gallery
Wait for me my Goddess!
Finish level 1
Pact with the devil
Finish level 2
To the sunset!
Finish level 3
Never ending Agony
Finish level 4
Survive a level in Agony Mode
I'm thirsty!
Possess an onoskelis
The force is with me
Possess a chort
I'm on fire! But I like it.
Possess an ifrit
Ice Age
Find a peanut in the frozen caves
Nice try
Try to push an onoskelis to the pit
Demon slayer
Push and kill an onoskelis
Did I just bore him?
Survive Baphomet bossfight
There is always something bigger
Kill an enormous chort
Where are you, pet?
Finish level 1 as a succubus
This time, I will use the elevator
Finish level 2 as a succubus
Finally, a bath!
Finish level 3 as a succubus
What a beautiful taste!
Finish level 4 as a succubus
Can I lick it?
Use a finisher on an onoskelis as a succubus
Kill a chort as a succubus
The Scarlet Woman
Normal ending