One Ring to build them all.
Obtain all other Trophies.
The day the strength of men failed.
Complete The Battle of the Last Alliance.
Earned 8 years ago
It's a dangerous business going out your door.
Complete The Black Rider on the Road.
That is no trinket you carry...
Complete The Camp at Weathertop.
This is no mine... It's a tomb!
Complete Moria: Balin's Tomb.
Let's hunt some Orc!
Complete The Skirmish of Amon Hen.
On the precious...
Complete The Taming of Gollum.
Safe is where I'll keep you.
Complete Track the Hobbits.
You shall not pass!
Complete Moria: Bridge of Khazad-dûm.
The battle for Middle-earth is about to begin...
Complete The Battle of Helm's Deep.
Naughty little fly!
Complete Shelob's Lair.
They have been summoned...
Complete The Paths of the Dead.
You and whose army?
Complete The Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
This day we fight!
Defeat the Mouth of Sauron.
It's gone...
Complete Journey's End.
My precious!
Collect every collectible.
There's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo.
Deliver all the treasure items.
There and back again.
Get 100%. (Single Player Only)
Of all the inquisitive Hobbits...
Collect all the Character Profiles.
Not with 10,000 men could you do this...
Unlock all characters. (Single Player Only)
I think I'm quite ready for another adventure!
Achieve True Adventurer in every level. (Single Player Only)
Hobbits really are amazing creatures.
Complete all the HUB mini games.
And away he goes, Precious!
Use Smeagol to defeat Gollum when Gollum is the buddy.
What about second breakfast?
Complete Weathertop in Free Play.
One does not simply walk into Mordor...
Simply walk into Mordor. (Single Player Only)
That still only counts as one!
Defeat an Oliphaunt as Legolas.
The last laugh.
Use Tom Bombadil's laugh to destroy Sauron in Free play.