One of the Squad
Earn all trophies
Earned 4 years ago
Delta 62
Rendezvous with Delta 62
Lack of bacta
Revive a squad member
"This planet is rotten from the inside out"
Complete Geonosis
Reinforce the Wookiees on Kashyyyk
Complete Kashyyyk
Aspirational goals
Collect all enemy weapons
Close and personal
100 melee kills
Maximized potential
Unlock all weapon attachments
All aboard
Complete RAS Prosecutor
"We need a slicer. A good slicer..."
Slice your first console
Visor cleaned 10 times
"He's holding a thermal detonator"
Hit 5 enemies with a single thermal detonator
"I really hate those Scavs"
Fend off a scavenger droid
Was it red-red-green or red-green-red
Blow 10 demolition charges
"Hold onto your guts while I rip out theirs"
Request a revive
Beat the game on Easy
Beat the game on Medium
Take offensive formation
Get a kill while piloting a Walker
Marshal Commander
Beat the game on Hard
Delta squad forming up
Issue all squad commands at least once
Turret-ial Assault
Eliminate 10 enemies with a gunship turret
We got a nest here
Destroy all eggs before they hatch
"Sir, please make up your mind"
Issue and cancel a command too quickly
"Times have changed"
Find the hidden lightsaber (in Rescue the Squad)
Friendliest fire
Blow yourself up
Consistently explosive
Blow 10 explosive barrels
Never saw it coming
Snipe down the ship on Geonosis
Shoot the big red spot
Defeat the dwarf spider droid
Guerilla warfare
Drop a droid dispenser on 4 enemies
Watch your head
Knock a droids head off with your melee attack
That model is a death trap
Find the speeder bike
"Can you die later, sir? It just isn't a good time now."
Go down 10 times in one mission