Murder on Eridanos
Completed Murder on Eridanos on any difficulty.
You Have Selected Regicide!
Killed the Slug Queen.
The Rock Or The Hard Place
Chose to either infect or cure Eridanos.
The Mystery's Afoot
Received an invitation to Eridanos.
No Longer Clueless
Used the Discrepancy Amplifier.
Interrogo Totus
Investigated every suspected and reported to Administrator Ludovico.
Alive And Kicking (And Shooting Too!)
Discovered the biggest secret in the aetherwave industry.
Spectrum Needler Buddy
Acquired Spectrum Gatling, The Needler, and Udder Buddy.
Put Out of Their Happiness
Killed 50 Infected Humans or Parasites.
Mutt And Jeff
Asked a companion to be the Bad Inspector.