Perception is Reality
Obtain all trophies
Son of Man
An apple for a head
Beat the game in under 35 minutes
Speed Runner
Beat the game in under an hour
Wake Up
Beat the game
Sugar Crash
Break a soda can
Feeling Blue
Find all blueprints
Fires Extinguished
Empty all fire extinguishers
Why Are You Like This?
Clone an object way too many times
Chess Master
Find all secret chess pieces
Stars Align
Complete all constellations
Soda Connaisseur
Drink all sodas
Polite Recognition
Find the hidden trophy
Please Use Other Door
Find the nook in Optical
Expert Fire Alarmist
Pull enough fire alarms
Fire Safety Achieved
Pull all the fire alarms
Fire Alarmist
Pull one fire alarm
Environment Saved!
Place a soda can in a recycling bin
Take Your Trash Elsewhere
Fail at throwing away trash
Please Recycle
Put a soda can in the wrong place instead of recycling
Vaguely Activated Achievement
Congratulations on doing something!
Make the last move