Paragon of Brute Strength
Remedied Xu Chu's misunderstanding.
The Hour of Advancement
Quelled the Yellow Turban Rebellion in Qing Province.
Death of Elai
Swore an oath with Dian Wei.
The Guileless Tiger
Tested Xu Chu's worthiness to be Dian Wei's successor.
Illusions of Taiping Taoism
Eliminated the phantoms of the Yellow Turban leaders.
Tactical Prodigy
Conquered 5 main and sub battlefields of Battle of Zhongyuan.
The Unscrupulous Hero
Conquered all main and sub battlefields of Battle of Zhongyuan.
Dominator of Zhongyuan
Raised every Battle Flag in Battle of Zhongyuan.
Don't Think, Feel
Defeated 100 enemies using cestuses.
Chasing the Wind
Summoned Feilian for the first time.
The Sage Pauses when Guests Call
Swore oaths with all of the new allies in Battle of Zhongyuan.
Fan of Shitieshou
Fed every Shitieshou in Battle of Zhongyuan.
Beware of Fire!
Struck 3 enemies with a single Oil Pot explosion in Yuan City.