It's beautiful
Reach the hashtag “masterpiece” on a cake. Then sell it in at the end fo the day.
Rain of Cookies
Sell 240 positively rated ("like" or better reaction) cookies or donuts.
Pastry chef
Sell 25 positively rated ("like" or better reaction) cakes.
You complEAT me
Match at least 3 hashtags of the day on your cake. Then sell it in at the end of the day.
Icing on the cake
Bake all cakes from recipes and serve them on the display stand.
One donut to rule them all
Become the most popular confectionery in Europe!
Complete 10 positively rated special orders.
First things first
Serve a perfectly baked cake on the display stand.
Unlock and buy all cake pans.
Customer is always right
Complete a special order and get a positive rating from the customer.