Ruins of Mazzatun Vanquisher
Defeat Zatzu the Spine-Breaker, the Mighty Chudan, Xal-Nur the Slaver, and Tree-Minder Na-Kesh in the Ruins of Mazzatun.
Cradle of Shadows Vanquisher
Defeat Sithera, Khephidaen the Spiderkith, the Votary of Velidreth, Dranos Velador, and Velidreth the Lady of Lace in the Cradle of Shadows.
Mazzatun Massacre
Defeat Tree-Minder Na-Kesh after first eliminating all other enemies in Ruins of Mazzatun.
Savior of the Su-Zahleel
Rescue all six of the Su-Zahleel Elders from the Ritual Chamber in Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun.
Web Walker
Defeat Velidreth in Veteran Cradle of Shadows without any party members dying in the catacombs.
Shadows of the Hist Delver
Complete Veteran Cradle of Shadows and Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun.