N7 Elite
Acquire all trophies
Highly Trained
View all advanced combat training videos at Shepard's private terminal.
Missing in Action
Save your crew from an overwhelming attack
Very Elusive
Return to active duty
The Convict
Successfully recruit the biotic Convict
The Krogan
Successfully recruit the Krogan
The Archangel
Successfully recruit Archangel
The Professor
Successfully recruit the Professor
The Quarian
Successfully recruit the Quarian
The Justicar
Successfully recruit the Justicar
The Assassin
Successfully recruit the Assassin
Colony Defense
Defend a human colony from attack
The Prodigal
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Officer
Ghost of the Father
Gain the loyalty of the Cerberus Operative
Gain the loyalty of the biotic Convict
Gain the loyalty of the krogan
Fade Away
Gain the loyalty of Archangel
The Cure
Gain the loyalty of the Professor
Gain the loyalty of the quarian
Help the Justicar resolve her mission
Cat's in the Cradle
Gain the loyalty of the Assassin
Friend or Foe
Obtain geth technology
A House Divided
Hack a geth collective
Ghost Ship
Complete the investigation of a derelict alien vessel
Suicide Mission
Use the Omega 4 Relay
Mission Accomplished
Save humanity throughout the galaxy from certain annihilation
Against All Odds
Survive suicide mission
Complete the game on the "Insanity" difficulty level without changing the setting
No One Left Behind
Keep your team alive through the suicide mission
Long Service Medal
Complete Mass Effect 2 twice, or complete it once with a character imported from Mass Effect 1
Successfully pursue a relationship with a teammate
Head Hunter
Perform 30 headshot kills with any weapon on humanoid targets
Shoot and kill 20 enemies while they're knocked back by a punch
Big Game Hunter
Thresher Maw defeated
Hit 20 different targets with multiple biotic powers to combine the effects
Master at Arms
Kill enemies with 5 different heavy weapons during the game
Make 20 enemies scream as they fall or are set on fire
Overload Specialist
Disrupt the shields of 25 enemies
Warp Specialist
Warp the barriers of 25 enemies
Incineration Specialist
Incinerate the armor of 25 enemies
Complete a mission discovered by scanning an unexplored world
Complete 5 missions discovered by scanning unexplored worlds
Retrieve mineral resources by scanning and probing a planet in the galaxy map
Visit 100% of the planets in an unexplored cluster
Power Gamer
Reach Level 30 with one character
Unlock 15 new Mass Effect 2 codex entries
Obtain 10 technology upgrades
Weapon Specialist
Fully upgrade a weapon
Complete any research project in the Normandy's laboratory
Personalize your armor
Power Full
Evolve any power
Heart of Darkness
Confront the Shadow Broker
Broke, Blind and Bedlam
Gain the loyalty of the thief
Data Hound
Collect 6 Cerberus data packets scattered across Aite
Digital Exorcist
Successfully shut down the rogue VI in Project Overlord